Monday, September 28, 2009

Who are you?

1 PETER 2:21 says, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.” (NASB)

When I read this verse, a word of repetition leaps off the pages at me, did anyone hear the one word that is repeated over and over again? Peter is writing to somebody! Look at the verse again and identify the word...

“You”! Four times! Now, that just adds emphasis for us! It’s kinda like hearing your name being called over and over again!

Ladies everyone of us needs to know that WE ARE SOMEONE SPECIAL!

You are special! You are loved by the Almighty. You are the “you” Peter is writing about. As women, as young ladies, we need to hear that we are someone, not just somebody but someone special. If your married, perhaps you have been in a disagreement or two because your husband was not meeting the need you have for him to make you feel special!

Am I the only one with that experience! NO! God has put some type of emotional device in our hard drive and we all have that need to feel loved and important to someone else. Because God designed us, His owner’s manual has in it the solution, or the supply we need.

Let me examine who you are real quick! Not by my standard, but who Jesus says you are as a believer in Him. Just in the first two chapters of this short letter of Peter the LORD says:
• (v1) you are chosen by God
• (v3) you are born again
• (v.4) you are a daughter to the King; an heir to the throne
• (v.5) you are person protected by the power of God
• (v.14) you are redeemed!
• (v.22) Peter reminds us again; you are born again! That IS so important he repeats it!
• Chapter 2
• (v.5) you are a spiritual house for a Holy Priesthood
• I love verse 9! Listen ladies, you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.
• (v.11) You are the Beloved
• (v.18) you are a servant
Is anyone in here having an identity crisis! Who are you? Jesus, Savior, Creator, El Shaddai says you are someone special!

When we feel unlovely, Jesus whispers "your beautiful". We we feel empty, Jesus fills us up!

SO many young women are struggling these days with feeling of value. The world is a hard place! Beloved, look to Jesus to be your supply, your source of encouragement, love, and support!

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