Saturday, September 5, 2009

Consuming Passion

Webster's defines passion as "any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling". People can be passionate about many, many things. Perhaps you would say that your passionate about your family, your work, or your studies. I think it's safe to say that passion drives your will.

Runners strive to run faster, harder, and farther. They push their bodies physical ability in order to achieve a goal. Musicians practice for hours to perfect a song. Moms who home school their children plan, prepare, and study in order to educate and equip their children. You see, all of these things start with an internal drive, a passion.

Passion produces something. Not necessarily something tangible that you can touch and feel, but passion certainly produces something that can be seen or perceived by others around you.
Personally, I am passionate about lots of things! I passionately love my husband and our two children. My sister and her family mean so much to me that my love for them is a passionate love. I enjoy music; I love to run; I draw and paint; I love to read. God has blessed me with a job where I get to see Him work in the lives of others, and I am passionate about what I do day to day. It's a ministry more than a job!

All of these things are great and they are important to me. But, none of those consume me. Consuming passion is radical. Consuming passion makes you do the unthinkable! Consuming passion will make you surrender all; causes you to go to lengths you never imagined!

Jesus Christ has a consuming passion. People. His passionate radical love for people, for you and me, took Him to the cross. His passion for you drove the nails into His hands and feet. His unfailing love for you kept His there until He breathed His last breath.

His passion for you and me did not end there, friend! His Consuming Passion went beyond the cross into the grave and defeated death! His Consuming Passion didn't die on the cross that day, instead it was so powerful that it raised Him from the dead on the third day!

His Consuming Passion produced results. O' and thanks be to God! The results are in - forgiveness, freedom from the bonds of sin, and eternal life in heaven with Him at the end of this life on earth. It's all free. You just have to "confess with you mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved." The result is SALVATION! Sweet salvation!

I was saved seven year ago (2002) and my life has never been the same! Jesus is my Consuming Passion. He is my source of strength, my shield, my everything. Because of Him, I can live and love passionately! That is what this blog is about, Jesus Christ. My intention is for this to be a place for you to come and be drawn into His presence through a daily devotional thought.

So, how about you? Beloved, have you surrendered....surrendered everything? Have you tasted life? Have you experienced forgiveness? Freedom? If not, what are you waiting on? Pray and ask Jesus to be Lord of your life and forgive you of your sins. Put your trust in Him today!

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